


Manage what you measure


In the rugged Kiwi farming terrain, the battle to keep the farm afloat in these choppy economic waters is real. Every penny counts, but figuring out where to pinch and where to splurge isn't a walk in the paddock. Remember – saving a few bucks now might lead to a truckload of trouble down the line.

To tackle these challenges head-on, you've got to have the data and some expert know-how in your corner. And that's especially true when you're looking after your herd, and that's where WelFarm comes into play.

The WelFarm programme is all about keeping a keen eye on your herd. Your vet team gathers useful info on-farm and from other sources and dump it in one handy place for you, you don’t enter data anywhere yourself.

And they take all that data, compare it to what's happening around the region and all over New Zealand. Which puts you in a front-row seat to your herd's performance. You can spot where the opportunities are and where your herd shines. This isn’t just about saving your hard-earned cash; it's about making it grow smarter.

Vet clinics across the country that become members of WelFarm also become part owners of the programme, ensuring that it stays true to its mission of adding value on farms.

When you and your farm jump on WelFarm, you're not just signing up for a service, you're teaming up with your vet clinic to plan the season ahead. The important stuff is scheduled, making sure it happens when it should. And all that gold info goes straight into the WelFarm portal which comes in handy down the line.

More and more good Kiwi farmers are getting on board with WelFarm each season. We're learning that knowing what's happening with your herd, staying one step ahead, and getting expert advice from our local vet clinic is the way to go.

Don't wait for trouble to knock on your door – be proactive, stay ahead of the herd, and get in touch with one of our team to talk more about joining WelFarm.


Franklin Vets

Franklin Vets - excellence in veterinary care for dairy, farming, lifestyle, equine and household pets. BESTPRACTICE ACCREDITED NZ.