


What shampoo should I use on my pets?

EpiSoothe for frequent washing

While summer brings us longer and warmer days, it can also upset your pet’s skin. Environmental allergens, like pollen, summer fleas, changes in temperature can all cause irritation even in what may seem like healthy and normal skin. Choosing the right shampoo for your pet can help to remove allergens, strengthen their skin barrier and treat underlying skin diseases as well as keep them looking and smelling their best!

Did you know?

Your pet’s skin has a different pH to yours. At our clinics, we stock shampoos that have been designed especially for your pet and have a neutral pH to cater specifically for their unique skin type. Using the wrong shampoo will make your pet’s skin worse! Shampoos that are emollient based ensure deeply moisturised skin and improved skin barrier function. Compromised and dry skin finds it much harder to function as a natural barrier against the world around it. Ensuring your pet’s skin barrier is healthy and strong is key and emollients can help support this. These shampoos help rehydrate your pet’s skin and support its natural barrier, which will stop moisture from getting out and irritants from getting in.

Wash your pet often?

EpiSoothe uses the power of colloidal oatmeal, famous for its soothing, moisturising and deep cleansing properties. Colloidal oatmeal helps the skin retain its moisture, controls and relieves itching and can help reduce flare-ups. Episoothe has a mild apple scent and is ideal for pets who are regularly shampooed or just want a quick clean up while nourishing and strengthening their skin at the same time.

Allermyl for allergic dermatitis

Noticing your dog scratching all the time?

Allergic dermatitis is a common skin disorder resulting in itchy, red and inflamed skin. If your pet has allergic dermatitis, even their “healthy” skin isn’t normal! The skin is meant to be a protective barrier, keeping allergens out and moisture in but these pets often have skin flare-ups and infections due to their defective skin barrier. Allermyl has been designed to cater to the specific needs of dogs and cats with seasonal allergic dermatitis. Allermyl is full of fatty acids that help strengthen skin from the inside out making it less prone to allergic reactions and flare-ups. Allermyl uses the latest technology to restore the skin barrier and return softness and vitality to sensitive and irritated skin. Pet owners report that the longer they use Allermyl, the better their pet’s skin gets.

Did you know?

Dogs with allergic dermatitis often have food allergies as well. Using a good skin diet may help reduce symptoms. We recommend the Royal Canin skin support range.

Malaseb for scaly, smelly or greasy skin

Does your pet have scaly, smelly or greasy skin?

This is known as Seborrhoea, which results in dry, scaly, and/or greasy skin, often with a build-up of dead skin cells and crust. Some of the breeds we commonly see this with, but not limited to, are Spaniels, West Highland White Terriers, Dachshunds, Labradors and Golden Retrievers. Dogs with seborrhoea often end up at the vet with skin infections! Malaseb Medicated Shampoo is registered to treat Seborrhoeic Dermatitis and is an aid in the treatment of ringworm in pets.

Malaseb works by:

  • Killing the micro-organisms, helping to keep the numbers of yeast and bacteria at manageable levels.
  • Removing excess scale and oils, commonly produced when the skin is infected.
  • Removing allergens such as pollens, which can be present on the coat or skin, causing irritation.

Not sure which shampoo is right for your pet? Speak to one of our friendly team.


Franklin Vets

Franklin Vets - excellence in veterinary care for dairy, farming, lifestyle, equine and household pets. BESTPRACTICE ACCREDITED NZ.